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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium!

So on Wednesday, I spent most of the day in Fort Worth visiting shops, and then at 6, had to head to the new Dallas Cowboys stadium to set up our booth at the Central Pet Dallas Open House. It was awesome and took like 15 minutes, where other people were setting up shelving and gondolas, etc, and trying to fit pallets of product around their booths. I feel bad for the dog food peeps! Here's a pic of the Seachem booth:

Set up our booth, then headed back to the hotel, where I was dealing with distributor issues while also trying to watch Community, Parks & Rec, The Office, etc.

On Thursday, we headed back to the stadium for the actual open house. I was hoping to see a bunch of my shops from the Southwest market. The open house went from 9AM - 4:30PM. The stadium was unbelievable. They were giving tours of the stadium, which I unfortunately didnt get to check out because I was at the booth the whole time, but heard really cool things from the people who did go on the tours. I guess that the stadium actually has a jail inside of it, as well as a 2 lane road below the stadium that 2 semis can pass each other driving opposite of one another, not to mention the largest television ever made. I guess that now is a good time for some pics!:

Exterior of Cowboys stadium.

Shot of one of the massive girders supporting the stadium.

The giant glass front entryway.

Shot of the field after entering from the giant glass doors above.

A shot of the field and the giant TV screens above.

Shot of the TV screens against the retractable rooftop.

Close up shot of one of the 2 giant Mitsubishi HDTV's

A look at the interior side of the giant glass entryway. The top deck is sponsored by Dr. Pepper, the middle, by Ford, and the bottom by AT&T, which is where the open house was held.

A close up of the Ford deck which had about 8 cars parked along the sides, and a fountain on the floor!

Pretty amazing huh? So as options for the open house, manufacturers could pay for tours for the attendees, could pay to have Cheerleaders stop by the booth, and could even pay to have one of the Cowboys stop by the booth. Thankfully Eheim opted to pay for 2 of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, and they dropped by the Eheim booth for about 3 hours to take pictures and sign autographs for the attendees, and we were only a couple of spots away!

Tobie on the left and Meredith on the right who dropped in to sign autographs and take pics.

Ultimately it was kind of a disappointing turn out. I was hoping to see many more of my accounts than actually showed up, but did get to chat with quite a few folks. The week was more than productive as I visited 2 shops that moved up in the select dealer program, wrote some orders, and found out that Central brought in our new line of products, which can always be kind of tricky seeing as how they own Kent Marine.

I left Dallas at the crack of dawn on Friday morning, made it home to Denver at 7:35 AM, and got to decompress for a bit, which was nice. The wife and I went and saw Date Night at the movie theatre last night, which was hillarious, but was almost ruined by some jackass lady who kept laughing at unfunny parts of the movie. She was a loud talker to boot! For example, and I am not kidding in the least, this is an actual quote of what she said, "Oh My God look at them they are driving a car HAHAHAHAH!" I wanted to reach around and karate chop her in the throat to keep her quiet, but that is inappropriate in a public place such as a movie theater.

Today I have a meeting of the local reef club to attend in Loveland. I will try and take some pics and post them up later tonight or tomorrow!