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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Long Awaited return....and with coral!

Ok well not really. I did score some sweet corals on my trip to Dallas last week. Ill have to snap a pic of the stuff when I get a sec. I scored a 6" colony of Spongebob Favia, a HUGE green with red eyes chalice colony, from Dallas North Aquarium and some badass lunar eclipse palys that were similar to some that I named the mexican red-knee tarantula spiders back in the days of Dons.

Here are some shots of DNA:

One of the 4 display tanks, this one a reef, (the hand is grabbing my chalice colony) at DNA

The African Cichlid display at DNA

An absolutely stunning Planted display tank at DNA

Another awesome reef tank display at DNA

The sectional walls dividing each of the display tanks

A look across some of the dry goods towards the display tank wall

More dry goods looking towards the front check out counter

A shot of some of the saltwater holding tanks in the fishroom

A shot of some of the freshwater holding tanks at DNA

Kept things low key over the Easter weekend. The wife and I planned to head home to the mighty Pueblo to visit family and friends, but things just werent meshing and we ended up staying home in Greeley. I hurt the crap outta my back somehow, which of course managed to get much better before leaving Monday morning to head back to Dallas, which is where I am currently. One of the distributors for my territory is having their open house at the Dallas Cowboys' new stadium. My Sales Manager and I came out early to visit shops and get set up for the show on Thursday. Monday I hit a couple of shops, most notably being Mid Cities Aquarium in between Dallas and Fort Worth. Some pics of Mid Cities:

The main display tank at Mid Cities

Female Crosshatch Trigger in the Display @ Mid Cities

Male Crosshatch in the same display

Some interesting RPE variants next to some Lunar Eclipse Palys and a nice Meteor Shower Cyphastrea in the display

A pic of some of the livestock holding tanks at Mid Cities

Today we hit a couple of other shops, placed some orders, and fought with our new computer system, which is always a treat. Tomorrow is another day of visiting shops, and later in the evening we are setting up the booth at the show. Ill be sure to take some pics and update the blog manana!