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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Almost There!

Well I am almost done in Houston! My flight leaves tomorrow night, get in to Denver kinda late, then my lovely wife and I are staying at the Curtis Hotel, and will be up bright and early on Saturday morning for Reefstock! Should be a pretty cool event. I actually get to be there as a manufacturer rep this time rather than being there to sell livestock like I typically do. My lovely wife will be there with me, not of her own accord, of course, but hopefully she will have some fun.

Next week I get to stay home in CO and visit shops in the state, which is awesome, because that means I will be home in the evening!

I tried uploading some pics from my phone to the blog, but it seems like I dont have that talent down just yet. Ill see what I can do. It should be easier than it seems, so we will see.

Favorite night of TV was tonight on NBC. Community, Parks and Rec, The Office, 30 Rock, and The Marriage Ref. Community absolutely rocks my face off. So that was fun while it lasted.

Not a whole lot to report on the hobby scene today. Tomorrow should rock as I get to stop by T & T here in Houston and City Pets! Hopefully I can resist the urge to bring something home with me, but we shall see! Corals > Self Control!

Well, I will try and post a blog after reefstock this weekend, so good night and good luck!