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Monday, March 29, 2010

Techno Difficulties?

Well, had some issues with my laptop this morning before I set out to visit some shop. While I was on the phone with tech support, I did get to finish planning a couple of upcoming trips to Oklahoma City, Austin, Houston, etc.

When I finally did hit the road I started in Denton, TX, about an hour north of town. Hit an interesting shop called Fish N Chirps. What a name huh! A nice little full line pet shop. My main purpose in heading to Denton was to visit a new store called Reef Remedies. This shop has been open about 9 months and is small but has lots of potential. They occupy an old drinking water store, and as such they have a huge water filter set up that was really impressive, and sell tons of RO and premixed saltwater.

The last stop on my journey today was a shop called Rift 2 Reef. These guys had a jammin shop in Flower Mound, TX, but moved to an even better spot and if the pics are any indication, this is going to be one helluva shop! Check it out!

View of the Register counter looking left after walking in front door.

View of the 800 gallon show tank looking right after coming in the front door.

Dry goods selection to the left and behind the cash register.

Dry goods selection to the right of the Register, behind the 800g show tank.

View of the saltwater section looking right after passing through the arch to the fishroom.

View of the freshwater section looking left after passing through the arch to the fishroom. The white slats are the covers that still need to be attached to the tank stands.

Closer look at the coral holding tanks. What an interesting idea for displays! Lighting is provided using JBJ K-2 Viper clamp on HQI halides that include a fan. I am not sure what wattage they are using.

View from the back of the fish room looking to the front door through the fish room arch.

Back room, including water holding tanks. A little cluttered, but they are still a couple weeks away from opening.

Shot of the Freshwater holding tanks.

And thats about it! A very cool shop that looks absolutely phenomenal!

Ill leave you with a quote from a comedian that I heard on the drive back to the hotel. Courtesy of Nick Thune from the Raw Dog XM Radio Station:

"What is the most awkward place to run into a homeless person?"

"On the way to the CoinStar."

"Sir can you spare some change?"