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Friday, March 26, 2010

What a day!

So today was a long day! I haven't posted in awhile, since I headed back from Houston as a matter of fact. Saw my 2 favorite Houston shops on Friday before coming home. T & T Tropical Fish and City Pets. Awesome shops all around. Quy, David, and Donnie are awesome dudes. I almost didn't make it to the airport in time for my flight home, but did see a crazy purple lowrider driving on the highway with 6" spikes like from a James Bond movie coming out of the center of his wheels on all of his wheels! I don't know if this dude was just VERY into defensive driving, or if it was just part of his gangsta' persona, but either way, I wanted to get a pic of his outfit, but didn't feel like risking vehicular suicide to do so.

Came back home to good ole CO to Reefstock which was a pretty nutty event. Hundreds of people turned out and there were tons of vendors at the Denver Downtown Aquarium.

The following week I was in CO visiting shops for a nice and easy home trip. And I got to spend the nights at home with my lovely wife, and retarded dog. Last weekend the wife and I got to go home to Pueblo to visit the family and hang out with our amazing friends for a combined March birthday party. It was a blast.

This last week was my home office week, so I got to hang out with my wife even more!

Now I am in Dallas! I got up at 330AM, caught a flight out of denver at 7, got in to Dallas, visited an awesome shop called Aquatic Trading, and finally made it over to Exotic Aquatics in Plano, TX, which is the whole purpose of my trip. Exotic is having their Anniversary sale this weekend, and Taylor, the shop manager asked me if I would come out and support their event. I flew in today to re-merchandise their Seachem stock in preparation for the sale tomorrow. It was neat, I got to hang out, help the guys at the shop put a dry goods order away and help some customers. From the sound of things tomorrow should be a pretty hopping event. Ill try and take pics and post some up tomorrow night.

Edit: Here are pics of the Remerchandising that I did for my product line at the shop: