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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I thought to myself after doing some extensive driving today around LA, and TX, maybe people would like to read about my adventures on the road? So between dinner(a pizza from a chain called Gatti's!) and the Tuesday night marathon of The Office on TBS, I set this little gem up.

I figured, you know what, I lead an "interesting" life, seeing as how I am on the road quite a bit, and I meet a lot of interesting people and see a lot of neat things, and why not share them with the world? If nothing else its a bitchin way to chronicle the stuff that I get to do on a daily basis.

So here we go! My name is Jon, and I am a product rep for Seachem Laboratories. I travel the world (not really, just my little territory) and visit LFS's (Local Fish Stores for those of you who aren't in the know) talking to owners, managers, and really anyone who will listen about aquarium additives and the state of the industry overall. My territory includes Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and parts of Mississippi. I am on the road M-F for 3 weeks at a time visiting shops.

I am a reef geek at heart. I have always been scientifically inclined, even from a very young age. I can remember having an aquarium for, well, as far back as I can remember. My mom will tell you that my parents would plop me down in front of a 75g freshwater fish tank that would entertain me for hours. My infatuation with all things aquatic stems from this, or at least that is what I am blaming it on! Eventually we switched the freshwater tank to salt, and that is when things began spiraling out of control. Before you know it, the 75g turned into a 135g, I moved away to college, and started working in fish stores to support my "habit".

More to come!